USDA NRCS (2020)
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation of 14 native prairie forbs by sexual and asexual methodsPoonam SinghNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 345-354; DOI: SinghSchool of Agriculture and Environment Assiniboine Community College Brandon, Manitoba, R7A2A9, CanadaRoles: Instructor and Researcher
- Open AccessMicropropagation of New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus), sand cherry (Prunus pumila), and sweetbells (Eubotrys racemosa)Jessica D Lubell-Brand and Mark H BrandNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 355-363; DOI: D Lubell-BrandDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Connecticut 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067 Storrs, CT 06279Roles: Associate ProfessorMark H BrandDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Connecticut 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067 Storrs, CT 06279Roles: Professor
- Open AccessDoes basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus) show local adaptation when deployed according to generalized provisional seed zones in the Central Basin and Range ecoregion?Scott Jensen, Val Jo Anderson, William Christensen, Bruce Roundy, Stanley Kitchen and Loreen AllphinNative Plants Journal, June 2021, 22 (2) 112-122; DOI: JensenUSDA US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station SSL, 735 North 500 East, Provo, UT 84606Roles: BotanistVal Jo AndersonDepartment of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602Roles: ProfessorWilliam ChristensenDepartment of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602Roles: Melvin W Carter ProfessorBruce RoundyDepartment of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602Roles: ProfessorStanley KitchenUSDA US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station SSL, 735 North 500 East, Provo, UT 84606Roles: Research BotanistLoreen AllphinDepartment of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602Roles: Associate Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation of the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal dune endemic Crocanthemum arenicola (coastalsand frostweed)Gabriel Campbell-MartÃnez, Anna Dicks, Barbara Cory, Mack Thetford and Deborah MillerNative Plants Journal, June 2021, 22 (2) 133-140; DOI: Campbell-MartÃnezUniversity of Florida, West Florida Research and, Education Center, 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900, Milton, FL 32583Roles: Graduate Research AssistantAnna DicksUniversity of Florida, West Florida Research and, Education Center, 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900, Milton, FL 32583Roles: Undergraduate Research AssistantBarbara CoryUniversity of Florida, West Florida Research and, Education Center, 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900, Milton, FL 32583Roles: Undergraduate Research AssistantMack ThetfordUniversity of Florida, West Florida Research and, Education Center, 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900, Milton, FL 32583Roles: Associate ProfessorDeborah MillerUniversity of Florida, West Florida Research and, Education Center, 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900, Milton, FL 32583Roles: Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of release of Pineywoods Germplasm thickspike gayfeather selected class of natural germplasmR Alan Shadow and Melinda R BrakieNative Plants Journal, June 2021, 22 (2) 141-145; DOI: Alan ShadowUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, East Texas Plant Materials Center (ETPMC), 6598 FM 2782, Nacogdoches, TX 75964Roles: ManagerMelinda R BrakieUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, East Texas Plant Materials Center (ETPMC), 6598 FM 2782, Nacogdoches, TX 75964Roles: Soil Conservationist
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation protocol for weakstem peperomia (Peperomia cookiana) and Oahu peperomia (Peperomia oahuensis) using whole leaf cuttingsOrville C Baldos and Aleta K CorpuzNative Plants Journal, June 2021, 22 (2) 157-161; DOI: C BaldosUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, 3190 Maile Way, St John 102, Honolulu, HI 96822Roles: Assistant ResearcherAleta K CorpuzUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa, 2002 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822Roles: Buildings and Grounds Management
- You have accessRestricted accessGrowing an endangered desert milkvetch for container seed productionBettina S Schultz, Susan E Meyer, Alyson M DeNittis and Kody R RomingerNative Plants Journal, June 2021, 22 (2) 162-175; DOI: S SchultzUSDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Shrub Sciences Laboratory, 735 North 500 East, Provo, UT 84606Roles: VolunteerSusan E MeyerUSDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Shrub Sciences Laboratory, 735 North 500 East, Provo, UT 84606Roles: Research EcologistAlyson M DeNittisUtah Valley University, Department of Biology, 800 W University Parkway, Orem UT 84058Roles: Undergraduate Research AssociateKody R RomingerUtah Valley University, Department of Biology, 800 W University Parkway, Orem UT 84058Roles: Research Plant Ecologist and Project Manager
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed propagation protocol for Carex pensylvanicaAlexis C Doshas, Cathryn (Cayte) McDonough and K Miho ConnollyNative Plants Journal, March 2021, 22 (1) 45-50; DOI: C DoshasNative Plant Trust, Nasami Farm, 128 North Street, Whately, MA 01373Roles: PropagatorCathryn (Cayte) McDonoughNative Plant Trust, Nasami Farm, 128 North Street, Whately, MA 01373Roles: Nursery ManagerK Miho ConnollyNative Plant Trust, Nasami Farm, 128 North Street, Whately, MA 01373Roles: Propagation Assistant
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed increase protocols for federally endangered vernal pool species Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora and Lomatium cookii in southwestern OregonAndrew Colyer and Malcolm HowardNative Plants Journal, March 2021, 22 (1) 76-80; DOI: ColyerUS Forest Service J Herbert Stone Nursery, 2606 Old Stage Road, Central Point, OR 97502Roles: HorticulturistMalcolm HowardUS Forest Service Bend Seed Extractory, 63095 Deschutes Market Road, Bend, OR 97701Roles: Biological Science Technician
- You have accessRestricted accessCreating a Great Basin native annual forb seed increase program: lessons learnedTara de Queiroz, Shannon Swim, P Lee Turner and Elizabeth A LegerNative Plants Journal, March 2021, 22 (1) 90-102; DOI: de QueirozUniversity of Nevada, Reno, Department of Biology, Mail Stop 314, 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557Roles: Research FacultyShannon SwimUniversity of Nevada, Reno, Department of Biology, Mail Stop 314, 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557Roles: UNR Native Seed Bank ManagerP Lee TurnerNevada Division of Wildlife, Partnership for Conservation and Development, 6980 Sierra Center Parkway Reno, Nevada 89511Roles: Conservation EcologistElizabeth A LegerUniversity of Nevada, Reno, Department of Biology, Mail Stop 314, 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557Roles: Professor