USDA NRCS (2020)
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation by means of embryo excision for endangered clay phacelia ex situ seed productionSydney Houghton, Susan E Meyer and Olga R KoppNative Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 115-122; DOI: HoughtonUtah Valley University 800 West University Pkwy Orem, UT 84058Roles: Intermediate Research Analyst, BotanySusan E MeyerU.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 735 North 500 East Provo, UT 84606Roles: Research EcologistOlga R KoppUtah Valley University 800 West University Pkwy Orem, UT 84058Roles: Professor of Biology
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetative propagation of Ceanothus velutinus using stem cuttingsAsmita Paudel, Youping Sun, Larry A Rupp, John G Carman and Stephen L LoveNative Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 123-129; DOI: PaudelUtah State University Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Graduate StudentYouping SunUtah State University Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Assistant ProfessorLarry A RuppUtah State University Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Emeritus ProfessorJohn G CarmanUtah State University Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: ProfessorStephen L LoveUniversity of Idaho Aberdeen Research and Extension Center 1693 S 2700 W Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: Professor
- Open AccessA survey of native plant materials use and commercial availability in the Eastern United StatesSara Tangren, Edward Toth and Shanyn SiegelNative Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 17-54; DOI: TangrenNational Capital PRISM D.C. Department of Energy & Environment 1200 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002Edward TothMid Atlantic Regional Seed Bank City of New York Department of Parks & Recreation 3808 Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY 10314Shanyn SiegelMid Atlantic Regional Seed Bank
- Open AccessPropagation of beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta) from softwood cuttingsJessica Jacquelene Hudson, Kimberly Gould, Ann Smreciu and Dani DegenhardtNative Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 33-39; DOI: Jacquelene HudsonNatural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Services 5320 122 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6H 3S5Roles: Land Reclamation TechnologistKimberly GouldWild Rose Consulting Inc 15109 77 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5R 3B5Roles: ConsultantAnn SmreciuWild Rose Consulting Inc 15109 77 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5R 3B5Roles: EcologistDani DegenhardtNatural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Services 5320 122 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6H 3S5Roles: Research Scientist
- You have accessRestricted accessNative species richness of commercial plant vendors in the Midwestern United StatesJack Zinnen and Jeffrey W MatthewsNative Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 4-15; DOI: ZinnenUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 1102 S Goodwin Avenue Urbana, IL 61801Roles: Doctoral CandidateJeffrey W MatthewsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 1102 S Goodwin Avenue Urbana, IL 61801Roles: Associate Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessEffect of temperature, light, and seed provenance on germination of Paronychia erecta (squareflower): a native plant with ornamental potentialGabriel E Campbell-MartÃnez, Carlee Steppe, Sandra B Wilson, Mack Thetford and Debbie MillerNative Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 56-64; DOI: E Campbell-MartÃnezUniversity of Florida West Florida Research Education Center 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900 Milton, FL 32583Roles: Former PhD StudentCarlee SteppeUniversity of Florida PO Box 110670 Gainesville, FL 32611Roles: Former MS StudentSandra B WilsonUniversity of Florida PO Box 110670 Gainesville, FL 32611Roles: ProfessorMack ThetfordUniversity of Florida West Florida Research Education Center 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900 Milton, FL 32583Roles: Associate ProfessorDebbie MillerUniversity of Florida West Florida Research Education Center 5988 Highway 90, Building 4900 Milton, FL 32583Roles: Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessImproving Navajo spinach (Cleome serrulata Pursh) seed germination with cold stratification and hormone additionsReagan C Wytsalucy, Daniel D Drost, Xin Dai, Brent L Black and Grant E CardonNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 268-278; DOI: C WytsalucyUtah State University 117 S Main Street Monticello, UT 84535Roles: Extension Agriculture, Natural Resources, 4-H, Assistant ProfessorDaniel D DrostExtension Vegetable Specialist, Professor Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4820Roles: Extension Vegetable Specialist, ProfessorXin DaiStatistician Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4820Roles: StatisticianrBrent L BlackExtension Fruit Specialist, Professor Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4820Roles: Extension Fruit Specialist, ProfessorGrant E CardonUtah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4820Roles: Extension Soils Specialist, Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation of pinyon pine: topworking Pinus monophylla to Pinus edulis rootstocksKylie M Lawson, Larry A Rupp, Youping Sun and Robert NewhallNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 280-292; DOI: M LawsonUtah State University Plants, Soils, and Climate Department 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Graduate Research AssistantLarry A RuppUtah State University Plants, Soils, and Climate Department 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Emeritus ProfessorYouping SunUtah State University Plants, Soils, and Climate Department 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Assistant ProfessorRobert NewhallUtah State University Plants, Soils, and Climate Department 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Extension Soils Specialist, Retired
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagating selected Pinus monophylla accessions by grafting to Pinus edulis seedling rootstocksKylie M Lawson, Larry A Rupp, Youping Sun, Robert Newhall and Chad ReidNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 293-305; DOI: M LawsonPlants, Soils, and Climate Department Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Graduate Research AssistantLarry A RuppPlants, Soils, and Climate Department Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Emeritus ProfessorYouping SunPlants, Soils, and Climate Department Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Assistant ProfessorRobert NewhallPlants, Soils, and Climate Department Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Extension Soils Specialist, RetiredChad ReidPlants, Soils, and Climate Department Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322Roles: Extension Professor, deceased
- You have accessRestricted accessEffect of patch size on establishment and productivity of Opuntia columbianaSteven O LinkNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 306-313; DOI: O LinkDepartment of Natural Resources Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation 46411 Timine Way Pendleton, OR 97801Roles: Energy and Environmental Science Program