USDA NRCS (2011)
- You have accessRestricted accessBoiled, tumbled, burned, and heated: seed scarification techniques for Munro’s globemallow appropriate for large-scale applicationOlga A Kildisheva, Anthony S Davis and R Kasten DumroeseNative Plants Journal, March 2013, 14 (1) 42-48; DOI: A Kildisheva, Research Scientist,Anthony S Davis, Assistant Professor of Native Plant Regeneration and Silviculture and Director,
- You have accessRestricted accessSoaking Nebraska sedge seeds in warm, aerated water improves germinationDerek J TilleyNative Plants Journal, March 2013, 14 (1) 55-59; DOI: J Tilley, PMC Agronomist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210,
- You have accessRestricted accessParticle size and composition of polymer root gels affect loblolly pine seedling survivalTom E Starkey, Scott A Enebak, David B South and Robert E CrossNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 19-26; DOI: E Starkey, Research Fellow,Scott A Enebak, Professor,David B South, Emeritus Professor,Robert E Cross, Nursery Superintendent, Georgia SuperTree Nursery, Rt 1, Box 1097, Shellman, GA 39886,
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing Native Plants in traditional design contextsSmilax Smallii Provides an ExampleBrad E Davis, Matthew R Chappell and Joanna Dunholter SchwevensNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 27-34; DOI: E Davis, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design, 609 Caldwell Hall, Athens, GA 30602,Matthew R Chappell, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Horticulture Department, 211 Hoke Smith Building, Athens, GA 30602,Joanna Dunholter Schwevens, Master of Landscape Architecture student, University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design, 101 College Station Road A113, Athens, GA 30605
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation methods for native woody Smilax species (Smilacaceae)Tara LunaNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 35-38; DOI: Luna, Botanist and Ecologist, PO Box 447, East Glacier Park, MT 59434-0447,
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed weights for northern Rocky Mountain native plantsWith an Emphasis on Glacier National ParkJessica L Wiese, James F Meadow and Joyce A LappNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 39-50; DOI: L Wiese, former Biological Science TechnicianJames F Meadow, former Biological Science TechnicianJoyce A Lapp, Ecologist
- You have accessRestricted accessViability of Blackbrush seed (Coleogyne ramosissima Torr. [Rosaceae])Following Long-Term StorageRosemary L Pendleton, Burton K Pendleton, Susan E Meyer, Stephanie Carlson and Elizabeth MorrisonNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 5-13; DOI: L Pendleton, Research Ecologist,Burton K Pendleton, Research Ecologist,Susan E Meyer, Research Ecologist,Stephanie Carlson, Biological Technician,
- You have accessRestricted accessNo-Till Drill Planting of Texas bluegrassOn the Southern PlainsJason J GoldmanNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 51-55; DOI: J Goldman, Research Geneticist, USDA Agriculture Research Service, Southern Plains Range Research Station, 2000 18th Street, Woodward, OK 73801,
- You have accessRestricted accessIn vitro propagation of Trillium speciesWith Notes on Root Formation, Cleaning Protocols, and Media FormulationsRonald Gagliardo, Merrily Labarthe, Michael Zaic, Jennifer Cruse-Sanders and Ronald O DetermannNative Plants Journal, March 2012, 13 (1) 56-63; DOI: Gagliardo, Training Officer, Amphibian Ark, Woodland Park Zoo, 601 North 59th Street, Seattle, WA 98103,Merrily Labarthe, Tissue Culture Laboratory VolunteerMichael Zaic, HorticulturistJennifer Cruse-Sanders, Director of Research and ConservationRonald O Determann, Director of Conservatories
- You have accessRestricted accessEffect of fungicide on Wyoming big sagebrush seed germinationRobert D Cox, Lance H Kosberg, Nancy L Shaw and Stuart P HardegreeNative Plants Journal, September 2011, 12 (3) 263-267; DOI: D CoxLance H KosbergNancy L Shaw