seed transfer zones
- You have accessRestricted accessPatterns of adaptation in three native grasses in northern CaliforniaJay H Kitzmiller and Linnea HansonNative Plants Journal, March 2011, 12 (1) 45-61; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessRegional genetic variation in three native grasses in northern CaliforniaJay H KitzmillerNative Plants Journal, September 2009, 10 (3) 263-280; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPolycross populations of the native grass Festuca roemeri as pre-varietal germplasm: their derivation, release, increase, and useDale C Darris, Barbara L Wilson, Rob Fiegener, Randy Johnson and Matthew E HorningNative Plants Journal, September 2008, 9 (3) 304-312; DOI: C DarrisBarbara L WilsonRob FiegenerRandy Johnson
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Willamette Valley Seed Increase ProgramDeveloping genetically diverse germplasm using an ecoregion approachKimiora Ward, Melanie Gisler, Rob Fiegener and Amy YoungNative Plants Journal, September 2008, 9 (3) 334-350; DOI: WardMelanie GislerRob Fiegener
- You have accessRestricted accessGenetic principles and the use of native seeds—just the FAQs, please, just the FAQsThomas A JonesNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 14-24; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessGenetic variation in Broadleaf Lupine (Lupinus latifolius) on the Mt Hood National Forest and implications for seed collection and deploymentDavid L DoedeNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 36-48; DOI: