seed age
- You have accessRestricted accessSixth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C Deno: species with names beginning with letters R through ZStephen L Love and Candace J AkinsNative Plants Journal, June 2020, 21 (2) 150-186; DOI: L LoveNPJ Editor-in-Chief, University of Idaho, Aberdeen R & E Center, Aberdeen, ID 83210,Candace J AkinsNPJ Managing Editor, Freeville, NY 13068,
- You have accessRestricted accessFifth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C Deno: species with names beginning with letters P and QStephen L Love and Candace J AkinsNative Plants Journal, March 2020, 21 (1) 83-111; DOI: L LoveNPJ Editor-in-Chief, University of Idaho, Aberdeen R & E Center, Aberdeen, ID 83210,Candace J AkinsNPJ Managing Editor, Freeville, NY 13068,
- You have accessRestricted accessFourth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C Deno: species with names beginning with letters L through OStephen L Love and Candace J AkinsNative Plants Journal, September 2019, 20 (3) 279-304; DOI: L Love, NPJ Editor-in-Chief, University of Idaho, Aberdeen R & E Center, Aberdeen, ID 83210,Candace J Akins, NPJ Managing Editor, Freeville, NY 13068,
- You have accessRestricted accessThird summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C Deno: species with names beginning with letters F through KStephen L Love and Candace J AkinsNative Plants Journal, June 2019, 20 (2) 123-144; DOI: L Love, NPJ Editor-in-Chief, University of Idaho, Aberdeen R & E Center, Aberdeen, ID 83210,Candace J Akins, NPJ Managing Editor, Freeville, NY 13068,
- You have accessRestricted accessSecond summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C Deno: species with names beginning with letters C through EStephen L Love and Candace J AkinsNative Plants Journal, March 2019, 20 (1) 65-97; DOI: L LoveNPJ Editor-in-Chief University of Idaho Aberdeen R & E Center Aberdeen, ID 83210Candace J AkinsNPJ Managing Editor Freeville, NY 13068
- You have accessRestricted accessSummary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C Deno: species with names beginning with letters A and BStephen L Love and Candace J AkinsNative Plants Journal, September 2018, 19 (3) 260-280; DOI: L Love, NPJ Editor-in-Chief University of Idaho Aberdeen R & E Center Aberdeen, ID 83210Candace J Akins, NPJ Managing Editor Freeville, NY 13068