- You have accessRestricted accessSoaking Nebraska sedge seeds in warm, aerated water improves germinationDerek J TilleyNative Plants Journal, March 2013, 14 (1) 55-59; DOI: J Tilley, PMC Agronomist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210,
- You have accessRestricted accessCustom two-stage “scalping” auger bit for large-container plantingsSteve KloetzelNative Plants Journal, June 2009, 10 (2) 107-109; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessWaterjet Stinger: A Tool for Planting Dormant Nonrooted CuttingsJ Chris Hoag, Boyd Simonson, Brent Cornforth and Loren St JohnNative Plants Journal, September 2001, 2 (2) 84-89; DOI: Chris HoagBoyd SimonsonBrent Cornforth
- You have accessRestricted accessHomemade Dibble Facilitates Planting Willow and Cottonwood CuttingsDouglas D McCreary and Jerry TecklinNative Plants Journal, March 2000, 1 (1) 59-60; DOI: