purple prairie clover
- You have accessRestricted accessDalea aurea, D. candida, D. multiflora, and D. purpurea seedling herbage, root nitrogen, and dry matter yield as influenced by soil type, phosphorus amendment, and cowpea Rhizobium inoculantGülten Girgin, James P Muir, Russell W Jessup and A Paul SchwabNative Plants Journal, September 2020, 21 (3) 341-352; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/npj.21.3.341Gülten GirginTexas A&M University, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, 400 Bizzell Street, College Station, TX 77843Roles: ResearcherJames P MuirTexas A&M AgriLife Research, Plant Ecology, 1229 N US Highway 281, Stephenville, TX 76401Roles: ProfessorRussell W JessupTexas A&M University, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, College Station, TX 77843Roles: Associate ProfessorA Paul SchwabTexas A&M University, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, College Station, TX 77843Roles: Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessPalatability and Nutritive Value of Native LegumesCraig C Sheaffer, Donald L Wyse and Nancy J EhlkeNative Plants Journal, September 2009, 10 (3) 224-231; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/npj.10.3.224Craig C SheafferDonald L Wyse
- You have accessRestricted accessSeeding rate affects establishment of Native Perennial Legumes in the upper midwestern USJason A Fischbach, Nancy J Ehlke, Paul R Peterson, Donald L Wyse, Douglas R Swanson and Craig C SheafferNative Plants Journal, March 2006, 7 (1) 61-68; DOI: https://doi.org/10.2979/NPJ.2006.7.1.61Jason A FischbachNancy J EhlkePaul R PetersonDonald L WyseDouglas R Swanson