Plants: USDA NRCS (2009a)
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of Zapata Germplasm Rio Grande clammyweed: selected class of natural germplasmForrest S Smith, Paula D Maywald, John Lloyd-Reilley, Shelly D Maher, Keith A Pawelek, Andrew W Scott Jr and Juan GarzaNative Plants Journal, September 2010, 11 (3) 269-274; DOI: S SmithPaula D MaywaldJohn Lloyd-ReilleyShelly D MaherKeith A PawelekAndrew W Scott Jr
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of release of Webb Germplasm whiplash pappusgrass: selected class of natural germplasmForrest S Smith, William R Ocumpaugh, John Lloyd-Reilley, Keith A Pawelek, Shelly D Maher, Andrew W Scott Jr and Juan GarzaNative Plants Journal, September 2010, 11 (3) 275-282; DOI: S SmithWilliam R OcumpaughJohn Lloyd-ReilleyKeith A PawelekShelly D MaherAndrew W Scott Jr
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of Maverick Germplasm pink pappusgrass: selected class of natural germplasmForrest S Smith, William R Ocumpaugh, John Lloyd-Reilley, Keith A Pawelek, Shelly D Maher, Andrew W Scott Jr and Juan GarzaNative Plants Journal, September 2010, 11 (3) 283-288; DOI: S SmithWilliam R OcumpaughJohn Lloyd-ReilleyKeith A PawelekShelly D MaherAndrew W Scott Jr
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of release of Chaparral Germplasm hairy grama: selected class of natural germplasmForrest S Smith, Paula D Maywald, William R Ocumpaugh, John Lloyd-Reilley, Shelly D Maher and Keith A PawelekNative Plants Journal, September 2010, 11 (3) 295-298; DOI: S SmithPaula D MaywaldWilliam R OcumpaughJohn Lloyd-ReilleyShelly D Maher
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of release of Atascosa Germplasm Texas grama: selected class of natural germplasmForrest S Smith, Paula D Maywald, William R Ocumpaugh, John Lloyd-Reilley, Shelly D Maher and Keith A PawelekNative Plants Journal, September 2010, 11 (3) 299-304; DOI: S SmithPaula D MaywaldWilliam R OcumpaughJohn Lloyd-ReilleyShelly D Maher