Insects: ITIS (2011)
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of Majestic Germplasm and Spectrum Germplasm western prairie clover: selected class of natural germplasmDouglas A Johnson, B Shaun Bushman, Kishor Bhattarai and Kevin J ConnorsNative Plants Journal, September 2011, 12 (3) 249-256; DOI: A JohnsonB Shaun BushmanKishor Bhattarai
- You have accessRestricted accessConservation and reintroduction of the endangered Willamette daisy: effects of population size on seed viability and the influence of local adaptationAndrea S Thorpe and Thomas N KayeNative Plants Journal, September 2011, 12 (3) 289-298; DOI:
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