erosion control
- You have accessRestricted accessTober Germplasm virginia wildrye: selected class of natural germplasmWayne Markegard, Wayne Duckwitz and Nancy JensenNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 341-344; DOI: MarkegardUSDA NRCS Plant Materials Center 3308 University Drive Bismarck, ND 58504Roles: Plant Materials SpecialistWayne DuckwitzUSDA NRCS Plant Materials Center 3308 University Drive Bismarck, ND 58504Roles: ManagerNancy JensenUSDA NRCS Plant Materials Center 3308 University Drive Bismarck, ND 58504Roles: Agronomist
- You have accessRestricted accessPolycross populations of the native grass Festuca roemeri as pre-varietal germplasm: their derivation, release, increase, and useDale C Darris, Barbara L Wilson, Rob Fiegener, Randy Johnson and Matthew E HorningNative Plants Journal, September 2008, 9 (3) 304-312; DOI: C DarrisBarbara L WilsonRob FiegenerRandy Johnson