- Open AccessMicropropagation of New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus), sand cherry (Prunus pumila), and sweetbells (Eubotrys racemosa)Jessica D Lubell-Brand and Mark H BrandNative Plants Journal, September 2021, 22 (3) 355-363; DOI: D Lubell-BrandDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Connecticut 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067 Storrs, CT 06279Roles: Associate ProfessorMark H BrandDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Connecticut 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067 Storrs, CT 06279Roles: Professor
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetative propagation of Elliott’s blueberry (Vaccinium elliottii) by hardwood cuttingsQiansheng Li and Mengmeng GuNative Plants Journal, June 2020, 21 (2) 132-137; DOI: LiTechnician, PhD, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX 77843,Mengmeng GuAssociate Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX 77843
- You have accessRestricted accessSoftwood cutting propagation and micropropagation of deerberry (Vaccinium stamineum)Jessica Lubell and Mark BrandNative Plants Journal, September 2018, 19 (3) 216-222; DOI: Lubell, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Connecticut, 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067, Storrs, CT 06279,Mark Brand, Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture University of Connecticut, 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067, Storrs, CT 06279,
- You have accessRestricted accessEffects of cold stratification on the germination of Vaccinium myrtilloides (common blueberry) and Vaccinium vitis-idaea (bog cranberry) seeds from Alberta, CanadaJessica J Hudson, Çağdaş Kera Yücel, Amanda L Schoonmaker and Jean-Marie SobzeNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 245-251; DOI: J HudsonJessica J Hudson, Forest Reclamation Research Assistant, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S 0A7,Çağdaş Kera YücelÇağdaş Kera Yücel, Forest Reclamation Research Officer, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S,Amanda L SchoonmakerAmanda L Schoonmaker, NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S,Jean-Marie SobzeJean-Marie Sobze, Plant & Seed Technologies Program Lead, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S,
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- You have accessRestricted accessModifying Blender Blades for Seed CleaningDawn ThomasNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 72-73; DOI: