- You have accessRestricted accessStratification and light promote germination of ratroot (Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf. [Acoraceae]) seeds harvested in northeastern AlbertaAnn Smreciu, Kimberly Gould and Stephanie WoodNative Plants Journal, March 2015, 16 (1) 19-22; DOI: SmreciuWild Rose Consulting Inc, 15109-77th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 1L4,Kimberly GouldWild Rose Consulting Inc, 15109-77th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 1L4,Stephanie WoodWild Rose Consulting Inc, 15109-77th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 1L4,
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation protocol for ratroot (Acorus americanus)Ann Smreciu, Stephanie Wood, Kimberly Gould and Barry WoodNative Plants Journal, September 2014, 15 (3) 219-222; DOI: SmreciuWild Rose Consulting Inc, 15109 - 77 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5R 1L4Stephanie WoodKimberly Gould