Trial 1: Two-way ANOVA table for the germination rate of E. nigrum, E. eamesii, V. angustifolium, and V. macrocarpon for seeds and berries stored at 4 °C and −20 °C.

SpeciesDfSum sqMean sqF valuePr(>F)
Vaccinium angustifolium
Fruit  1    981.6  981.645.444.14e-09
Temp  1    981.6  981.645.444.14e-09
Fruit : Temp  1    981.6  981.645.444.14e-09
Residuals68  1469.0    21.6
Empetrum nigrum
Fruit  1  2813281218.036.76e-05
Temp  1  3134313420.092.91e-05
Fruit : Temp  1  2812281218.036.76e-05
Residuals6810608  156
Empetrum eamesii
Fruit  1    957  957.012.810.00064
Temp  1    957  957.012.810.00064
Fruit : Temp  1    957  957.012.810.00064
Residuals68  5078  74.7
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Fruit  13554835548128.44.32e-13
Residuals34  9412  277
  • Notes: For V. macrocarpon, seeds and berries were stored only at 4 °C.