Average germination rate and average number of days until germination ± SE for species in Trial 2.

SpeciesGermination rate (%)Average days until germination
Trial 2Wet (x/20)Dry (x/20)WetDry
Anaphalis margaritacea13.3±6.03.3±3.312.2±0.414.0±NA
Atriplex glabrisculata96.7±3.3*70.0±7.6*4.1±0.2*27.6±3.7*
Festuca rubra58.3 ±3.353.3±1.76.4±0.3*10.0±0.3*
Lathyrus japonicus0.0±0.01.7±1.7NA6 ±NA
Limonium carolinianum65.0±7.650.0±2.96.4±0.6*21.6±0.7*
Oenothera biennis95.0±2.9*15.0±2.9*3.3±1.0*9.5±3.6*
Plantago maritima95.0±2.9*13.3±1.7*3.4±0.110.9±4.9
Schoenoplectus maritimus10.0±7.610.0±5.87.9±2.415.9±5.5
Solidago sempervirens85.0±7.636.7±7.3*4.3±0.1*10.5±1.1*
Spartina alterniflora35.0±5.8*18.3±1.7*19.2±3.0*31.5±1.7*
Spartina patens28.3±3.3*6.7±1.7*6.3±0.6*47.0±7.5*
Spartina pectinata40.0±8.7*6.7±1.7*6.3±0.4*44.2±5.1*
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii51.7±9.338.3±9.34.9±0.3*19.0±3.3*
  • Notes: Each species was stored at 4 °C and had a freshwater and a dry storage treatment. Trial 2 had 3 replicates with 20 seeds per replicate. For each species and category, an * indicates significant difference between treatments (P < 0.05). Only 1 replicate of Lathyrus japonicus germinated, and only 1 replicate of Anaphalis margaritacea germinated in the dry treatment, therefore, the average could not be calculated for these species. SE, standard error.