Summary of prior native plant material surveys.

YearAuthor(s)RespondentsRegionnDefinition confusionLocal preferenceCommercial availabilityCostResearch, educationDemand
1998Waterstrat, Deeds, HarkessMostly nursery ownersSE US196Not askedNot askedPoor selection, quantityNot askedNot asked+
1999TamimiLandscape architectsHawaii29People vs. plantsNot applicableThe greatest challengeNot limitingLUM+
2002Potts, Roll, WallnerLandscape; retail; plant, seed growersColorado33Not askedNot askedPoor for seeds 33%, larger plant stockNot limitingLUM, PPP, PE, CE, POP+
2003HooperLandscape architectsUtah136, 15About “native” 86%Prefer in-state 87%Most limiting factor 79%Serious factor 28%LUM, POP+
2007Brzuszek, Harkess, MulleyLandscape architectsSE US145Not askedNot askedGreatest challenge 63%Not limitingPOP+
2009Brzuszek, HarkessWholesale, retailSE US129Not askedNot askedGreatest challenge 15%Not limitingCE, POP+
2010Brzuszek, Harkess, KellyMaster GardenersSE US979Not askedNot askedGreatest challenge 68%Not limitingPOP+
2010Peppin, Fule, Lynn, Mottek- Lucas, SiegNative seed suppliers, usersArizona, New Mexico37, 33About “local” 65%Concerned about source 93%Greatest challenge 27%One of the greatest obstacles 22%SP, STZNot asked
2011Kauth, PérezWildflower growersFlorida51About “native” 64%Concerned to some degree 90%Poor species 77%, poor seed 54%Lowest ranked concernCE, PE, SP+
  • Abbreviations: “+” = increasing; CE = customer education; LUM = landscape use and maintenance; PE = professional education; POP = better labels and (or) point of purchase materials; PPP = plant production protocols; SE US = Southeastern US; SP = seed germination, storage, and (or) production protocols; STZ = seed transfer zones.