Values (t and P) for testing Treatment × Year effects on year 1 establishment and year 3-4 persistence of basin wildrye populations.

SiteTreatment × Year effectEstimatePr>|t|
Fountain Green
Year 1
 Row cover201317.7034 Bz<.0001
 Row cover201425.7931 A<.0001
 Control2013  4.0966 C  0.0149
 Control2014  2.3862 D  0.1551
Year 3–4
 Row cover201391.1862 A<.0001
 Row cover201469.8689 B  0.0012
 Control201343.1862 C  0.3692
 Control201445.2068 C  0.7385
Year 1
 Row cover2013  4.5931 B<.0001
 Row cover201424.6828 A<.0001
 Control2013  1.2276 C  0.1058
 Control2014  1.0000 C  0.1875
Year 3-4
 Row cover201320.1793 B  0.0138
 Row cover201461.1862 A<.0001
 Control201313.3517 B  0.0277
 Control201454.9172 A<.0001
  • z Letters indicate significant differences within sites.