Local provisional seed zone for each test site along with the number of basin wildrye populations of each cytotype originating from that provisional seed zone and pooled for comparison. Also shown are the comparisons that were made to non-local sources and cytotypes.

SiteLocal sourcenCytotype  Non-local sources    
Orovada20-25 Deg. F. / 6-123Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-1215-20 Deg. F. / 3-610-15 Deg. F. / 6-12Tetra  Trail
2Octoploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 ContMag 
Nephi15-20 Deg. F. / 6-123Tetraploid20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-610-15 Deg. F. / 6-12Tetra  Trail
3Octoploid20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12  10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 ContMag 
Spanish Fork15-20 Deg. F. / 3-65Tetraploid20-25 Deg. F. / 6-1215-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12Tetra  Trail
0Octoploid     ContMag 
Fountain Green10-15 Deg. F. / 6-124Tetraploid20-25 Deg. F. / 6-1215-20 Deg. F. / 6-1215-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 Tetra  Trail
5Octoploid20-25 Deg. F. / 6-1215-20 Deg. F. / 6-12   ContMag 
  • Notes: Shading indicates data were not available at these sites due to seeding failures. Tetra = Great Basin Tetra; Cont = Continental; Mag = Magnar; Trail = Trailhead.