Statistical results of analysis of accession (A; Carex inops only), stratification period (SP), and germination temperature (GT) on germination, dormancy, and viability of Carex inops ssp. inops and Carex tumulicola.

Species / SourcedfGerminationDormancyViability
Carex inops ssp. inops
    A1  15.2< 0.001  24.7< 0.001  14.5   0.001
    GT2134.0< 0.001    7.8   0.020  39.3< 0.001
    SP4  53.7< 0.001161.0< 0.001  59.4< 0.001
    A:GT2    9.2   0.010    4.8   0.091    9.6   0.008
    A:SP4  34.0< 0.001  98.3< 0.001  61.8< 0.001
    GT:SP8  81.2< 0.001  49.7< 0.001  37.8< 0.001
    A:GT:SP8  28.8< 0.001  57.1< 0.001  20.0   0.010
Carex tumulicola
    GT2  93.3< 0.001    2.0   0.374108.9< 0.001
    SP4250.6< 0.001  30.2< 0.001  57.0< 0.001
    GT:SP8  72.1< 0.001  98.7< 0.001  23.0   0.003
  • Notes: Each species was analyzed separately. Germination is cumulative through 56 and 28 d, respectively, for C. inops and C. tumulicola. Dormancy and viability were calculated after 84 d of germination. The treatment that remained in winter conditions was not included in these analyses. Statistically significant effects (P ≤ 0.05) are in bold. Data are in Figures 24.