Height (cm) of little bluestem and sideoats grama accessions averaged over 4 irrigation levels (accession × saturation; P > 0.05) in a greenhouse trial.

Little bluestemHeight (cm)Sideoats gramaHeight (cm)
9089229  33.5 ab*911206244.4 a
OK Select 34.3 ab9088948  36.1 bcd
906446139.0 a9088961  38.9 abc
Cimarron30.4 b9110007 34.9 cd
9089176 35.4 ab9107926 34.0 cd
9110987 35.4 ab9110049   37.0 abcd
911097828.5 bHaskell 31.7 cd
9110960 35.9 abEl Reno30.5 d
9085822 30.9 abVaughn  36.1 bcd
9092979 32.6 ab9093236  38.9 abc
909304230.3 b9112300 43.7 ab
    Standard error1.802.00
  • * Values within each column followed by the same letter do not differ (P ≤ 0.05) according to Tukey-Kramer multiple means separation test. 1 cm = 0.4 in