RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Propagation protocol for pinyon pine (Pinus edulis Engelm.) JF Native Plants Journal JO NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 205 OP 208 DO 10.3368/npj.15.3.205 VO 15 IS 3 A1 Woodruff, Kea J A1 Regan, Donald J A1 Davis, Anthony S YR 2014 UL http://npj.uwpress.org/content/15/3/205.abstract AB We present our technique for producing pinyon pine (Pinus edulis Engelm. [Pinaceae]) from seeds in a container nursery in Idaho. Three deliberate changes to our propagation protocol during the past 5 y have shortened our production cycle and resulted in greater lift rates for seedlings. Use of a soft-walled container, sowing of germinants rather than direct seeding, and reduction of target dry-down during the rapid growth phase have improved our production of this ecologically and economically important species.