RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Propagation protocol for ratroot (Acorus americanus) JF Native Plants Journal JO NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 219 OP 222 DO 10.3368/npj.15.3.219 VO 15 IS 3 A1 Smreciu, Ann A1 Wood, Stephanie A1 Gould, Kimberly A1 Wood, Barry YR 2014 UL http://npj.uwpress.org/content/15/3/219.abstract AB Ratroot, or Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf. (Acoraceae), can be propagated from seed harvested from natural sites in northeastern Alberta. Light is required for germination, and germination is most successful at warm temperatures (15/25 °C). Seedlings can be quickly (< 4 mo) and easily produced under greenhouse conditions. Additionally, elongating rhizomes (either from wild harvest or greenhouse production) can be successfully divided to multiply plants and to produce larger stock. Ratroot is found in many wetlands throughout northern Alberta and is an important medicinal plant for Aboriginal peoples.