PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Falk, Anthony AU - Smith, Forrest S AU - Shackelford, Colin S AU - Bow, John R AU - Pawelek, Keith A AU - Lloyd-Reilley, John AU - Maher, Shelly D AU - Carr, Brandon TI - Notice of release of Guadalupe Germplasm white tridens: a selected class of natural germplasm AID - 10.3368/npj.21.1.54 DP - 2020 Mar 20 TA - Native Plants Journal PG - 54--64 VI - 21 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL2020 Mar 20; 21 AB - Guadalupe Germplasm white tridens (Tridens albescens (Vasey) Wooton & Standl. [Poaceae]) is a selected germplasm released for immediate use in erosion control, right-of-way reseeding, and range and wildlife plantings throughout Texas. Guadalupe Germplasm was developed by Texas Native Seeds, the USDA NRCS E. “Kika” de la Garza and James E. “Bud” Smith Plant Materials Centers, Sul Ross State University, and Texas AgriLife Research Station in Stephenville, Texas. White tridens is a native, perennial bunchgrass found in low prairies, ditches, and swales in clayey soils that are frequently inundated within the Rio Grande Plains (MLRA 083A-D), Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes (MLRA 150A & B), Edwards Plateau (MLRA 081A-D), Rolling Plains (MLRA 78A-C), Cross Timbers (MLRA 084B & C), Southern Desert Basins, Plains, and Mountains (MLRA 042), and Blackland Prairies (MLRA 086A & B) ecoregions. This germplasm is recommended for use in upland wildlife plantings, critical site revegetation, right-of-way plantings, and inclusion in range seeding mixes on clay, clay loam, and saline clay ecological sites. Guadalupe Germplasm was selected for release because of excellent comparative plant vigor, indications of region-wide adaptation, and high seed quality in relation to similar native grasses. This release was made because no tested and adapted commercial seed source of white tridens is available for use in restoration seedings, and few other accessions of native plants are available that have natural adaptations to the saline and heavy clay soil characteristics to which Guadalupe Germplasm is adapted.