RT Journal Article
SR Electronic
T1 Propagation protocol for blue elderberry (Sambucus nigra L. ssp. cerulea (Raf.) Bolli)
JF Native Plants Journal
FD University of Wisconsin Press
SP 254
OP 259
DO 10.3368/npj.19.3.254
VO 19
IS 3
A1 McDonough, Thomas C
A1 Regan, Donald J
A1 Nelson, Andrew S
YR 2018
UL http://npj.uwpress.org/content/19/3/254.abstract
AB We present our techniques for producing blue elderberry (Sambucus nigra L. ssp. cerulea (Raf.) Bolli [Adoxaceae]) from seeds at a container nursery in northern Idaho. By applying a gibberellic acid treatment combined with a cold, moist stratification we are able to re liably break seed dormancy and produce an annual crop of seedlings that are 30 cm (12 in) tall with a root collar diameter > 4 mm (0.16 in).