RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Exploring the human–nature relationship of conservation gardeners JF Native Plants Journal JO NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 212 OP 225 DO 10.3368/npj.18.3.212 VO 18 IS 3 A1 Cartwright, Kelly A1 Mitten, Denise YR 2017 UL http://npj.uwpress.org/content/18/3/212.abstract AB Using a mail survey employing 4 connection to nature indicators—Connectedness to Nature, Nature Relatedness, Inclusion of Nature in Self, and Environmental Motives—we determine that conservation gardeners exhibit a strong multifaceted connection to nature. Results demonstrate that individuals have an emotional connection to nature, are pro-environmental, spend time in nature, and are motivated by non-human species and other people, as opposed to benefit for one’s self. We conducted research with individuals (n = 180) who had certified their property through a conservation gardening certification program in 1 of 3 regions in the US: Oregon, Illinois, or Delaware. This research provides information about the people who adopt environmentally friendly landscape practices and incorporate native plants into their landscape. Results of this research may aid in increasing sales of native plants and expanding conservation gardening programs.