PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Archibald, Colleen TI - Seed production protocols for <em>Anaphalis margaritacea Eriophyllum lanatum</em> and <em>Eriogonum umbellatum</em> AID - 10.2979/NPJ.2006.7.1.47 DP - 2006 Mar 20 TA - Native Plants Journal PG - 47--51 VI - 7 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL2006 Mar 20; 7 AB - We have grown Anaphalis margaritacea L. (Benth.) (Asteraceae), Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) Forbes (Asteraceae), and Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. (Polygonaceae) for seed production at J Herbert Stone Nursery in Oregon. Propagation methodology for seed production is discussed, including sowing, culturing, and harvesting. These 3 species can be grown successfully in an agricultural setting.