RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Polycross populations of the native grass Festuca roemeri as pre-varietal germplasm: their derivation, release, increase, and use JF Native Plants Journal JO NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 304 OP 312 DO 10.3368/npj.9.3.304 VO 9 IS 3 A1 Darris, Dale C A1 Wilson, Barbara L A1 Fiegener, Rob A1 Johnson, Randy A1 Horning, Matthew E YR 2008 UL http://npj.uwpress.org/content/9/3/304.abstract AB Results of a recent common-garden study provide evidence needed to delineate appropriate seed transfer zones for the native grass Festuca roemeri (Pavlick) E. B. Alexeev (Poaceae). That information has been used to develop pre-variety germplasm releases to provide ecologically and genetically appropriate seeds for habitat restoration, erosion control, and other revegetation projects in 5 regions of the Pacific Northwest, US. Seed sources for these composite populations were chosen to represent a broad base of genetic diversity found within each region, while using plants that overlap in flowering time, have average to high seed yield, and originate at similar elevations. The process of selecting appropriate seed sources and developing the germplasm releases is described here. Ongoing and future investigations are likely to include seed production technology, establishment methods, stand management, and adaptation to diverse sites and specific uses.