RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Notice of release of Catarina blend bristlegrass: selected class of natural germplasm JF Native Plants Journal JO NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL FD University of Wisconsin Press SP 305 OP 310 DO 10.2979/NPJ.2010.11.3.305 VO 11 IS 3 A1 Lloyd-Reilley, John A1 Maher, Shelly D A1 Ocumpaugh, William R A1 Maywald, Paula D A1 Smith, Forrest S YR 2010 UL http://npj.uwpress.org/content/11/3/305.abstract AB Four selected germplasms of bristlegrass (Setaria vulpiseta (Lam.) Roem. & Schult. and S. leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum. [Poaceae]) have been released for rangeland plantings and wildlife habitat enhancement plantings in the Rio Grande Plain of Texas. Catarina blend bristlegrass is a mix of 4 bristle-grass releases (Kika648 Germplasm, Kika819 Germplasm, Kika820 Germplasm, and Kika677 Germplasm) selected from an extensive evaluation at multiple sites in south Texas. Accessions included in the blend are increased in isolation and blended prior to sale in order to maintain the genetic integrity of each release. These germplasms represent the first commercially available release of bristlegrass that has been tested and is adapted to south Texas.