PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Jones, Thomas A AU - Wark, D Brent TI - Notice of Release of Fowler Germplasm Green Needlegrass AID - 10.2979/NPJ.2010.11.2.103 DP - 2010 Jun 20 TA - Native Plants Journal PG - 103--106 VI - 11 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - NATIVE PLANTS JOURNAL2010 Jun 20; 11 AB - Fowler Germplasm is a new pre-variety germplasm release of green needlegrass (Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth [Poaceae]) developed by artificial selection from 5 local populations collected in southern Alberta. Selection emphasis was placed on seed yield and germinability. This plant material is expected to be used for restoration and wildlife habitat enhancement projects in Alberta and Saskatchewan.