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- You have accessRestricted accessShowy milkweed establishment by seed, rhizome, and transplants in California’s Central ValleyValerie Bullard, Jessa Kay Cruz, Margaret Smither-Kopperl and Derek TilleyNative Plants Journal, August 2024, 25 (1) 4-14; DOI: BullardUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA NRCS Nevada County, 113 Presley Way, Suite 1, Grass Valley, CA 95949Roles: Soil ConservationistJessa Kay CruzThe Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, 1029 H St, Suite 408, Sacramento, CA 95814Roles: Senior Pollinator Conservation SpecialistMargaret Smither-KopperlUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Lockeford Plant Materials Center, PO Box 68, Lockeford, CA 95237Roles: Plant Materials Center ManagerDerek TilleyUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: Plant Materials Center Manager
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of Destination Germplasm of Snake River WheatgrassThomas A Jones, Steven R Larson, Thomas A Monaco, Craig W Rigby and Kyle C ForsythNative Plants Journal, August 2024, 25 (1) 38-53; DOI: A JonesUSDA ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Research GeneticistSteven R LarsonUSDA ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Research GeneticistThomas A MonacoUSDA ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Research EcologistCraig W RigbyUSDA ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Plant GeneticistKyle C ForsythUSDA ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Agricultural Science Research Technician
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation of Opuntia ×columbiana under solar panelsSteven O Link, Tyanna Van Pelt and Mason K MurphyNative Plants Journal, August 2024, 25 (1) 15-21; DOI: O LinkEnergy and Environmental Science Program, Department of Natural Resources, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801Roles: Scientist 3Tyanna Van PeltEnergy and Environmental Science Program, Department of Natural Resources, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801Roles: Oregon State University StudentMason K MurphyEnergy and Environmental Science Program, Department of Natural Resources, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801Roles: Program Manager
- You have accessRestricted accessScarification and high, diurnal temperatures produce optimal germination of sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray)Mary Wolf and Derek TilleyNative Plants Journal, August 2024, 25 (1) 28-37; DOI: WolfUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: AgronomistDerek TilleyUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: PMC Manager
- You have accessRestricted accessThe effect of multiple fire cues on germination of groundplum milkvetch (Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt.)Jacob Maynard, Gary Hatfield and Lora PerkinsNative Plants Journal, August 2024, 25 (1) 22-27; DOI: MaynardDakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management, Brookings, SD 57007Gary HatfieldSouth Dakota State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 1 North Campus Drive, Chicoine Building 256, Brookings, SD 57007Roles: Associate ProfessorLora PerkinsSouth Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resource Management, 1 North Campus Drive, Box 2140B, Brookings, SD 57007Roles: Associate Professor and Lead Faculty for the Native Plant Initiative
- You have accessRestricted accessConserving US temperate forest plant diversity: a case example with forest-floor AristolochiaceaeTara LunaNative Plants Journal, September 2014, 15 (3) 236-246; DOI: LunaBotanist, PO Box 447, East Glacier Park, MT 59434,
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing shade to propagate Canadian wild ginger (Asarum canadense L.) and other woodland forbsKelly SchultzNative Plants Journal, September 2014, 15 (3) 231-235; DOI: SchultzNursery Coordinator, Native Seed Nursery, Lake County Forest Preserve District, 1899 West Winchester Road, Libertyville, IL 60048,
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation protocol for ratroot (Acorus americanus)Ann Smreciu, Stephanie Wood, Kimberly Gould and Barry WoodNative Plants Journal, September 2014, 15 (3) 219-222; DOI: SmreciuWild Rose Consulting Inc, 15109 - 77 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5R 1L4Stephanie WoodKimberly Gould
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation protocol for pinyon pine (Pinus edulis Engelm.)Kea J Woodruff, Donald J Regan and Anthony S DavisNative Plants Journal, September 2014, 15 (3) 205-208; DOI: J WoodruffCenter for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research, University of Idaho, Pitkin Forest Nursery, 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1137, Moscow ID 83844-1137Donald J Regan