Research Article
Subsoiling promotes native plant establishment on compacted forest sites
James G Archuleta and Eric S Baxter
Native Plants Journal, June 2008, 9 (2) 117-122; DOI:

- Adams PW.
- Bagley S.
- Bradley K.
- Bulmer C.
- Claassen VP.
- Davey C.
- Luce CH.
- Page-Dumroese DS,
- Jurgensen MF,
- Tiarks AE,
- Ponder F Jr.,
- Sanchez FG,
- Fleming RL,
- Kranabetter JM,
- Powers RF,
- Stone DM,
- Elioff JD,
- Scott DA.
- Schaffer R.
- Steinfeld DE,
- Riley SA,
- Wilkinson KM,
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- Switalski TA,
- Bissonette JA,
- DeLuca TH,
- Luce CH,
- Madej MA.
- USDA Forest Service.
- [USDA NRCS] USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
In this issue
Native Plants Journal
Vol. 9, Issue 2
20 Jun 2008
Subsoiling promotes native plant establishment on compacted forest sites
James G Archuleta, Eric S Baxter
Native Plants Journal Jun 2008, 9 (2) 117-122; DOI: 10.2979/NPJ.2008.9.2.117
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