Table of Contents
June 20, 2007; Volume 8,Issue 2
Bone, Mike
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetative Propagation of Arctostaphylos Adans. Colorado StyleJim Borland and Mike BoneNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 84-90; DOI:
Borland, Jim
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetative Propagation of Arctostaphylos Adans. Colorado StyleJim Borland and Mike BoneNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 84-90; DOI:
Cardoso, Guillermo
- You have accessRestricted accessCharacterizing fertilizer and media pH requirements for greenhouse production of Intermountain West Native Herbaceous PerennialsGuillermo Cardoso, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Richard Koenig and Roger KjelgrenNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 114-121; DOI: CardosoTeresa Cerny-KoenigRichard Koenig
Cerny-koenig, Teresa
- You have accessRestricted accessCharacterizing fertilizer and media pH requirements for greenhouse production of Intermountain West Native Herbaceous PerennialsGuillermo Cardoso, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Richard Koenig and Roger KjelgrenNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 114-121; DOI: CardosoTeresa Cerny-KoenigRichard Koenig
Chiappini, Dave
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation Protocol For The Native Cycad Coontie (Zamia pumila L.)Dave ChiappiniNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 123-124; DOI:
Davison, Jason C
- You have accessRestricted accessImazapic Provides 2 - Year Control of Weedy Annuals in a Seeded Great Basin FuelbreakJason C Davison and Edwin G SmithNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 91-96; DOI:
Holt, Harvey A
- You have accessRestricted accessTechniques to control woody invasive plants in Indiana hardwood forestsZachary E Lowe, Harmon P Weeks Jr, Harvey A Holt and George R ParkerNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 107-113; DOI: E LoweHarmon P Weeks JrHarvey A Holt
Hunter-cario, Leslie
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation Protocol for Broadleaf Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia Willd. (Alismataceae)Leslie Hunter-CarioNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 80-83; DOI:
Jenkins, Michael A
- You have accessRestricted accessInvasion Biology and control of Invasive Woody Plants in Eastern ForestsChristopher R Webster, Michael A Jenkins and Shibu JoseNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 97-106; DOI: R WebsterMichael A Jenkins
Jose, Shibu
- You have accessRestricted accessInvasion Biology and control of Invasive Woody Plants in Eastern ForestsChristopher R Webster, Michael A Jenkins and Shibu JoseNative Plants Journal, June 2007, 8 (2) 97-106; DOI: R WebsterMichael A Jenkins