Index by author
March 20, 2005; Volume 6,Issue 1
Britt, John R
- You have accessRestricted accessReforestation Costs can be decreased by lowering initial stocking and outplanting morphologically improved seedlingsDavid B South, Curtis L VanderSchaaf and John R BrittNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 76-82; DOI: B SouthCurtis L VanderSchaaf
Davis, Anthony S
- You have accessRestricted accessGenetic Considerations in the Operational Production of Hardwood Nursery Stock in the Eastern United StatesDouglass F Jacobs and Anthony S DavisNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 4-13; DOI:
Dehgan, Bijan
- You have accessRestricted accessPreliminary study shows germination of Caribbean applecactus (Harrisia fragrans) improved with acid scarification and gibberellic acidBijan Dehgan and Hector E PérezNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 91-96; DOI:
Doede, David L
- You have accessRestricted accessGenetic variation in Broadleaf Lupine (Lupinus latifolius) on the Mt Hood National Forest and implications for seed collection and deploymentDavid L DoedeNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 36-48; DOI:
Dumroese, R Kasten
- You have accessRestricted accessRhexifolia versus Rhexiifolia: Plant Nomenclature Run Amok?R Kasten Dumroese and Mark W SkinnerNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 59-61; DOI:
Evans, Richard Y
- You have accessRestricted accessInitial mortality and root and shoot growth of Valley Oak Seedlings outplanted as seeds and as container stock under different irrigation regimesTruman P Young and Richard Y EvansNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 83-90; DOI:
Gibson, David J
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing Local Seeds In Prairie Restoration—data support the paradigmDanny J Gustafson, David J Gibson and Daniel L NickrentNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 25-28; DOI: J GustafsonDavid J Gibson
Grabowski, Janet
- You have accessRestricted accessNative wildflower seed production techniques in MississippiJanet GrabowskiNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 72-75; DOI:
Gustafson, Danny J
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing Local Seeds In Prairie Restoration—data support the paradigmDanny J Gustafson, David J Gibson and Daniel L NickrentNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 25-28; DOI: J GustafsonDavid J Gibson
Jacobs, Douglass F
- You have accessRestricted accessGenetic Considerations in the Operational Production of Hardwood Nursery Stock in the Eastern United StatesDouglass F Jacobs and Anthony S DavisNative Plants Journal, March 2005, 6 (1) 4-13; DOI: