Research Article
Using compost for container production of Ornamental Hammock Species native to Florida
Sandra B Wilson, Laurie K Mecca, Peter J Stoffella and Donald A Graetz
Native Plants Journal, September 2004, 5 (2) 186-194; DOI:
Sandra B Wilson
Laurie K Mecca
Peter J Stoffella

- Agnew JM,
- Leonard JJ.
- Alexander R.
- Barkham JP.
- Bragg NC,
- Chambers BJ.
- Buckland P.
- Cooperband LR,
- Stone AG,
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- Davidson H,
- Mecklenburg R,
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- Chen Y,
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- Meerow AW.
- National Mining Association.
- Nelson DW,
- Sommers LE.
- Niedziela CE,
- Nelson PV.
- Pill WG,
- Ridley KT.
- Poole RT,
- Conover CA,
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- Rose R,
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- Sims JT.
- [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- [USEPA] United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- Wilson SB,
- Stoffella PJ,
- Graetz DA.
- Wilson SB,
- Stoffella PJ,
- Krumfolz LA.
- Wilson SB,
- Stoffella PJ,
- Graetz DA.
- Wunderlin RP.
In this issue
Native Plants Journal
Vol. 5, Issue 2
21 Sep 2004
Using compost for container production of Ornamental Hammock Species native to Florida
Sandra B Wilson, Laurie K Mecca, Peter J Stoffella, Donald A Graetz
Native Plants Journal Sep 2004, 5 (2) 186-194; DOI: 10.1353/npj.2005.0016
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