Seed propagation literature for russet buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt. [Elaeagnaceae]) is varied, recommending acid scarification, cold moist stratification, or both treatments. When combinations of sulfuric acid scarification (0 or 5 min) and stratification (0, 9, or 14 wk) treatments were tested on a Montana seedlot, the optimal treatment combination was a 5-min acid soak and 14-wk (98-d) stratification. Although stratification was more effective than scarification when treatments were applied alone, germination improved from 27% to 38% when seeds were scarified prior to the 14-wk stratification treatment, and, for seeds germinating after stratification, germination occurred almost 4 d earlier on average. A 1-wk imbibition test, where increase in seed weight is measured following scarification and 1-wk cold-stratification, is proposed as a convenient method to determine the most effective acid scarification duration for individual seedlots. The optimal stratification duration was achieved 4 wk after 10% of viable seeds had germinated during stratification.