Index by author
March 20, 2003; Volume 4,Issue 1
Abbott, Celeste S
- You have accessRestricted accessDensity and Development of Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum) in Forest Plantations as Affected by Manual and Chemical ApplicationPhilip M McDonald, Celeste S Abbott and Gary O FiddlerNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 52-60; DOI: M McDonaldCeleste S Abbott
Baskin, Carol C
- You have accessRestricted accessWhen Breaking Seed Dormancy Is a ProblemTry a Move-along ExperimentCarol C Baskin and Jerry M BaskinNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 17-21; DOI:
Baskin, Jerry M
- You have accessRestricted accessWhen Breaking Seed Dormancy Is a ProblemTry a Move-along ExperimentCarol C Baskin and Jerry M BaskinNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 17-21; DOI:
Bir, Richard
- You have accessRestricted accessNative Trees, Shrubs, and Vines: A Guide to Using, Growing, and Propagating North American Woody PlantsRichard BirNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 74; DOI:
Dreesen, David R
- You have accessRestricted accessSulfuric Acid Scarification of Wax Currant Seeds from New MexicoLee S Rosner, John T Harrington, David R Dreesen and Leigh MurrayNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 65-71; DOI: S RosnerJohn T HarringtonDavid R Dreesen
Dremann, Craig
- You have accessRestricted accessObservations on Bromus Carinatus and Elymus GlaucusSeed Storage and LongevityCraig DremannNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 61-64; DOI:
Elam, Theresia K
- You have accessRestricted accessEffects of Temperature on Germination of 10 Native Legume SpeciesRobert L McGraw, Floyd W Shockley and Theresia K ElamNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 5-9; DOI: L McGrawFloyd W Shockley
Fiddler, Gary O
- You have accessRestricted accessDensity and Development of Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum) in Forest Plantations as Affected by Manual and Chemical ApplicationPhilip M McDonald, Celeste S Abbott and Gary O FiddlerNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 52-60; DOI: M McDonaldCeleste S Abbott
Garnett, William
- You have accessRestricted accessDouble Dibble —Companion Planting Techniques For Establishing Rare PlantsWilliam GarnettNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 37-38; DOI:
Harrington, John T
- You have accessRestricted accessSulfuric Acid Scarification of Wax Currant Seeds from New MexicoLee S Rosner, John T Harrington, David R Dreesen and Leigh MurrayNative Plants Journal, March 2003, 4 (1) 65-71; DOI: S RosnerJohn T HarringtonDavid R Dreesen