Table of Contents
September 21, 2023; Volume 24,Issue 3
Victor, Sasha
- Open AccessFine-scale trait variation of five native forbs along environmental gradientsSasha Victor, Kyle Doherty, Mary Ellyn DuPre, Philip W Ramsey and Ylva LekbergNative Plants Journal, September 2023, 24 (3) 192-205; DOI: VictorMPG Ranch, , Missoula, MT 59801Roles: Ecological Restoration ResearcherKyle DohertyMPG Ranch, , Missoula, MT 59801Roles: Spatial EcologistMary Ellyn DuPreMPG Ranch, , Missoula, MT 59801Roles: Community EcologistPhilip W RamseyMPG Ranch, , Missoula, MT 59801Roles: General Manager and EcologistYlva LekbergAdjunct Professor, University of MontanaMPG Ranch, , Missoula, MT 59801Roles: Ecologist