Index by author
June 20, 2023; Volume 24,Issue 2
Connolly, Bryan
- You have accessRestricted accessEthephon effectively breaks seed dormancy without stratification in the globally rare northern blazing star Liatris novae-angliaeDylan Tillman, Bryan Connolly, Bryan Windmiller and Cara McElroyNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 101-105; DOI: TillmanEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: StudentBryan ConnollyEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: Assistant ProfessorBryan WindmillerZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Associate Director of Field ConservationCara McElroyZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Research Associate
Davis, Anthony S
- Open AccessSeed treatment protocols for Hispaniolan pine (Pinus occidentalis Swartz [Pinaceae])Christina St John and Anthony S DavisNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 91-100; DOI: St JohnGraduate Student Oregon State University Department of Forest Resources, Engineering and Management Corvallis, OR 97331Roles: Graduate StudentAnthony S DavisDean of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture University of New Hampshire College of Life Sciences and Agriculture Durham, NH 03824
Love, Dr Stephen L
- Open AccessFrom the EditorDr Stephen L LoveNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 77; DOI: Stephen L LoveRoles: Editor-in-Chief
Mccune, Jenny L
- You have accessRestricted accessComparing the germination, growth, and morphology of native Canadian and commercially sourced seeds of wood-poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum)Jaxon Reiter and Jenny L McCuneNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 80-90; DOI: ReiterUniversity of Lethbridge Department of Biological Sciences 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4Roles: StudentJenny L McCuneUniversity of Lethbridge Department of Biological Sciences 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4Roles: Assistant Professor
Mcelroy, Cara
- You have accessRestricted accessEthephon effectively breaks seed dormancy without stratification in the globally rare northern blazing star Liatris novae-angliaeDylan Tillman, Bryan Connolly, Bryan Windmiller and Cara McElroyNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 101-105; DOI: TillmanEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: StudentBryan ConnollyEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: Assistant ProfessorBryan WindmillerZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Associate Director of Field ConservationCara McElroyZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Research Associate
Reiter, Jaxon
- You have accessRestricted accessComparing the germination, growth, and morphology of native Canadian and commercially sourced seeds of wood-poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum)Jaxon Reiter and Jenny L McCuneNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 80-90; DOI: ReiterUniversity of Lethbridge Department of Biological Sciences 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4Roles: StudentJenny L McCuneUniversity of Lethbridge Department of Biological Sciences 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4Roles: Assistant Professor
St John, Christina
- Open AccessSeed treatment protocols for Hispaniolan pine (Pinus occidentalis Swartz [Pinaceae])Christina St John and Anthony S DavisNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 91-100; DOI: St JohnGraduate Student Oregon State University Department of Forest Resources, Engineering and Management Corvallis, OR 97331Roles: Graduate StudentAnthony S DavisDean of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture University of New Hampshire College of Life Sciences and Agriculture Durham, NH 03824
Tilley, Derek
- You have accessRestricted accessA 16-year case study of bluebunch wheatgrass and Snake River wheatgrass plant materials in Idaho’s Snake River PlainDerek Tilley and Mary WolfNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 106-115; DOI: TilleyUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Aberdeen Plant Materials Center PO Box 296 Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: Plant Materials Center ManagerMary WolfUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Aberdeen Plant Materials Center PO Box 296 Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: Plant Materials Center Agronomist
Tillman, Dylan
- You have accessRestricted accessEthephon effectively breaks seed dormancy without stratification in the globally rare northern blazing star Liatris novae-angliaeDylan Tillman, Bryan Connolly, Bryan Windmiller and Cara McElroyNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 101-105; DOI: TillmanEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: StudentBryan ConnollyEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: Assistant ProfessorBryan WindmillerZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Associate Director of Field ConservationCara McElroyZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Research Associate
Windmiller, Bryan
- You have accessRestricted accessEthephon effectively breaks seed dormancy without stratification in the globally rare northern blazing star Liatris novae-angliaeDylan Tillman, Bryan Connolly, Bryan Windmiller and Cara McElroyNative Plants Journal, June 2023, 24 (2) 101-105; DOI: TillmanEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: StudentBryan ConnollyEastern Connecticut State University Department of Biology 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226Roles: Assistant ProfessorBryan WindmillerZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Associate Director of Field ConservationCara McElroyZoo New England Field Conservation Department 1 Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121Roles: Research Associate