Index by author
June 20, 2022; Volume 23,Issue 2
- Open AccessFrom the EditorStephen L LoveNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 145; DOI: L LoveRoles: Editor-in-Chief
Refereed Research
- You have accessRestricted accessScarification and pre-chilling requirements for germination of the native forb Utah trefoil (Lotus utahensis Ottley)Thomas A Jones, B Shaun Bushman, R Trapper Crockett and Kyle C ForsythNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 148-155; DOI: A JonesUSDA Agricultural Research Service, Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Research GeneticistB Shaun BushmanUSDA Agricultural Research Service, Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Research GeneticistR Trapper CrockettUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 137 North 100 Westm Malad, ID 83252Roles: Soil ConservationistKyle C ForsythUSDA Agricultural Research Service, Forage & Range Research Laboratory, 696 North 1100 East, Logan, UT 84322-6300Roles: Agricultural Science Research Technician
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing herbarium collections and species observation databases to assess the conservation status of prairie dropseed in MinnesotaKatherine Brewer, Nick Kreevich, Mary Meyer, Susan Galatowitsch and Stan HokansonNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 156-167; DOI: BrewerCoastal Maine Botanical Gardens, 105 Botanical Gardens Drive, Boothbay, ME 04537Roles: Curator of Living CollectionsNick KreevichMinnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, MN 55318Roles: Arboretum Cartographer and Plant RecorderMary MeyerUniversity of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science, St Paul, MN 55108Roles: Professor and Extension HorticulturistSusan GalatowitschUniversity of MinnesotaRoles: ProfessorStan HokansonUniversity of MinnesotaRoles: Professor
Germplasm Release
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of release of Menard Germplasm purple threeawn: a selected class of natural germplasmAnthony Falk, Forrest S Smith, Colin S Shackelford, John R Bow, Keith A Pawelek, Brandon Carr and Dustin WiggansNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 168-177; DOI: FalkSouth Texas-Texas Native Seeds (TNS), Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute (CKWRI), Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK), MSC 218, 700 University Blvd, Kingsville, TX 78363Roles: Assistant DirectorForrest S SmithTNS, CKWRI, TAMUKRoles: Dan L Duncan Endowed DirectorColin S ShackelfordWest Texas-TNS, CKWRI, TAMUKRoles: Assistant DirectorJohn R BowCentral Texas-TNS, CKWRI, TAMUKRoles: Assistant DirectorKeith A PawelekTNS, CKWRI, TAMUKRoles: Associate DirectorBrandon CarrUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), James E “Bud” Smith Plant Materials Center, 3950 Farm Rd 1292, Ste 100, Knox City, TX 79529Roles: ManagerDustin WiggansUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), James E “Bud” Smith Plant Materials Center, 3950 Farm Rd 1292, Ste 100, Knox City, TX 79529Roles: Agronomist
General Technical
- You have accessRestricted accessEstablishment and 10-year persistence of plant materials at Curlew National Grassland in southern IdahoDerek Tilley, Mary Wolf and Loren St JohnNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 178-193; DOI: TilleyUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: Plant Materials Center ManagerMary WolfUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210Roles: Plant Materials Center AgronomistLoren St JohnUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Retired
Native Plant Materials Directory
- You have accessRestricted accessNative Plant Materials DirectoryNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 194-265; DOI:
Author Guidelines
- You have accessRestricted accessAuthor GuidelinesNative Plants Journal, June 2022, 23 (2) 266-268; DOI: