Research ArticleRefereed Research
Open Access
A survey of native plant materials use and commercial availability in the Eastern United States
Sara Tangren, Edward Toth and Shanyn Siegel
Native Plants Journal, March 2022, 23 (1) 17-54; DOI:
Sara Tangren
National Capital PRISM D.C. Department of Energy & Environment 1200 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002
Edward Toth
Mid Atlantic Regional Seed Bank City of New York Department of Parks & Recreation 3808 Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY 10314
Shanyn Siegel
Mid Atlantic Regional Seed Bank

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In this issue
Native Plants Journal
Vol. 23, Issue 1
20 Mar 2022
A survey of native plant materials use and commercial availability in the Eastern United States
Sara Tangren, Edward Toth, Shanyn Siegel
Native Plants Journal Mar 2022, 23 (1) 17-54; DOI: 10.3368/npj.23.1.17
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