Article Figures & Data
A typical wildland basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus) population.
Orovada, Nevada, test plot planted and covered with row cover fabric.
Fountain Green, Utah, test plot following several years of growth.
Locations, cytotypes, and generalized provisional seed zone of basin wildrye populations and test sites used in this study.
Basin wildrye populations Latitude Longitude Cytotype Provisional seed zone County, State Bartine Ranch 39.53 −116.34 Octoploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Eureka, Nevada Crescent Valley 40.56 −116.14 Octoploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Elko, Nevada West Elko 40.82 −115.80 Octoploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Elko, Nevada Willow Creek 41.29 −114.84 Octoploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Elko, Nevada Secret Creek 40.87 −115.32 Tetraploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Elko, Nevada Walti Ranch 39.94 −116.57 Tetraploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Eureka, Nevada Wilkins 41.37 −114.80 Tetraploid 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Elko, Nevada Angel Creek 41.05 −115.02 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 Elko, Nevada Grasshopper Spring 39.22 −114.69 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 White Pine, Nevada Pinto Summit 39.45 −114.94 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 Eureka, Nevada Rosebud 39.01 −114.67 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 White Pine, Nevada Windfall Canyon 39.46 −115.97 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 Eureka, Nevada Burge Ranch 41.47 −117.53 Octoploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Humboldt, Nevada Grass Valley Road 40.51 −117.60 Octoploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Pershing, Nevada Melendez Ranch 38.93 −115.17 Octoploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 White Pine, Nevada Paradise Valley 41.52 −117.54 Octoploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Humboldt, Nevada Antelope 39.40 −115.47 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Eureka, Nevada Eureka 39.51 −115.96 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Eureka, Nevada Gleason Creek 39.46 −115.04 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 White Pine, Nevada King Top Mountain 39.04 −113.62 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Millard, Utah Pleasant Valley 40.25 −117.67 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Pershing, Nevada Grass Valley 39.47 −117.00 Octoploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 Lander, Nevada Eldorado Canyon 40.52 −118.23 Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 Pershing, Nevada Twentyone Mile Hill 39.77 −119.69 Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 Washoe, Nevada West of Water Canyon 40.61 −116.68 Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 Lander, Nevada Test sites Latitude Longitude Provisional seed zone County, State Nephi 39.64 −111.87 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Juab, Utah Fountain Green 39.61 −111.61 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Sanpete, Utah Spanish Fork 40.07 −111.62 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 Utah, Utah Orovada 41.53 −117.75 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 Humboldt, Nevada - TABLE 2
Local provisional seed zone for each test site along with the number of basin wildrye populations of each cytotype originating from that provisional seed zone and pooled for comparison. Also shown are the comparisons that were made to non-local sources and cytotypes.
Site Local source n Cytotype Non-local sources Orovada 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 3 Tetraploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Tetra Trail 2 Octoploid 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Cont Mag Nephi 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 3 Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Tetra Trail 3 Octoploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Cont Mag Spanish Fork 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 5 Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 Tetra Trail 0 Octoploid Cont Mag Fountain Green 10-15 Deg. F. / 6-12 4 Tetraploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 3-6 Tetra Trail 5 Octoploid 20-25 Deg. F. / 6-12 15-20 Deg. F. / 6-12 Cont Mag Notes: Shading indicates data were not available at these sites due to seeding failures. Tetra = Great Basin Tetra; Cont = Continental; Mag = Magnar; Trail = Trailhead.
Values (F and P) for testing overall effects of year 1 establishment for basin wildrye populations.
Site Effect Year 1 establishment Short-term persistence F statistic P value F statistic P value Fountain Green Source 1.76 0.0104 0.918 0.5885 Treatment 372.86 <.0001 56.871 <.0001 Source × Treatment 1.21 0.2103 4.011 0.9798 Year 11.08 0.0009 0.525 0.0458 Source × Year 1.15 0.2730 0.480 0.9898 Treatment × Year 26.14 <.0001 5.867 0.0158 Source × Treatment × Year 0.98 0.4980 0.408 0.9973 Nephi Source 1.19 0.2376 0.283 1 Treatment 422.12 <.0001 2.332 0.127 Source × Treatment 1.16 0.2665 92.717 0.999 Year 227.62 <.0001 0.354 <.0001 Source × Year 0.7 0.872 0.247 1 Treatment × Year 238.17 <.0001 0.004 0.948 Source × Treatment × Year 0.76 0.8106 0.242 1 - TABLE 4
Values (t and P) for testing source effects on year I establishment of basin wildrye populations.
Site Cytotype Source comparisons Estimate DF t Value Pr>|t| Fountain Green (10−15 Deg F / 6−12) Octoploids Local vs 15 – 20 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 0.0330 460 0.02 0.9859 Local vs 20 – 25 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 0.5250 460 0.24 0.8080 No sources from 15 – 20 Deg. F. / 3 – 6 Local vs Continental 0.2500 460 0.09 0.9296 Local vs Magnar −10.1500 460 −3.56 0.0004 Local vs Tetra −3.1500 460 −1.11 0.2657 Local vs Trailhead −5.0000 460 −1.77 0.0776 Tetraploids Local vs 15 – 20 Deg. F. / 3 – 6 −3.5250 460 −1.93 0.0540 Local vs 20 – 25 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 −2.8375 460 −1.55 0.1206 Local vs 15 – 20 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 1.1333 460 0.58 0.5656 Local vs Continental 0.3500 460 0.12 0.9035 Local vs Magnar −10.0500 460 −3.48 0.0005 Local vs Tetra −3.0500 460 −1.06 0.2910 Local vs Trailhead −4.9000 460 −1.7 0.0901 Nephi (15-20 Deg F / 6-12) Octoploids Local vs 10 – 15 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 −1.3767 460 −1.06 0.2881 Local vs 20 – 25 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 −0.7417 460 −0.46 0.6469 No sources for 15 – 20 Deg. F. / 3 – 6 Local vs Continental −2.5167 460 −1.23 0.2194 Local vs Magnar −0.9667 460 −0.47 0.6369 Local vs Tetra −1.8167 460 −0.89 0.3752 Local vs Trailhead −2.5167 460 −1.23 0.2194 Tetraploids Local vs 10 – 15 Deg. F. / 3 – 6 2.3625 460 1.89 0.0601 Local vs 15 – 20 Deg. F. / 3 – 6 −0.3000 460 −0.024 0.8109 Local vs 20 – 25 Deg. F. / 6 – 12 1.0958 460 0.81 0.4186 Local vs Continental −0.0375 460 −0.02 0.9849 Local vs Magnar 1.5125 460 0.76 0.4457 Local vs Tetra 0.6625 460 0.33 0.7383 Local vs Trailhead −0.0375 460 −0.02 0.9849 - TABLE 5
Values (t and P) for testing Treatment × Year effects on year 1 establishment and year 3-4 persistence of basin wildrye populations.
Site Treatment × Year effect Estimate Pr>|t| Fountain Green Year 1 Row cover 2013 17.7034 Bz <.0001 Row cover 2014 25.7931 A <.0001 Control 2013 4.0966 C 0.0149 Control 2014 2.3862 D 0.1551 Year 3–4 Row cover 2013 91.1862 A <.0001 Row cover 2014 69.8689 B 0.0012 Control 2013 43.1862 C 0.3692 Control 2014 45.2068 C 0.7385 Nephi Year 1 Row cover 2013 4.5931 B <.0001 Row cover 2014 24.6828 A <.0001 Control 2013 1.2276 C 0.1058 Control 2014 1.0000 C 0.1875 Year 3-4 Row cover 2013 20.1793 B 0.0138 Row cover 2014 61.1862 A <.0001 Control 2013 13.3517 B 0.0277 Control 2014 54.9172 A <.0001 ↵z Letters indicate significant differences within sites.