Southwestern Oregon vernal pools are unique wetlands with seasonal hydrology and are the only habitat for the federally endangered annual, Limnanthes pumila Howell ssp. grandiflora (Arroyo) S.C. Meyers & K.L. Chambers (woolly meadow foam [Limnanthaceae]) and perennial, Lomatium cookii J.S. Kagan (Cook's desert parsley [Apiaceae]). We have successfully developed seed increase protocols for these species to provide seeds for vernal pool wetland restoration projects. Both have proven to be candidates for seed increase at J Herbert Stone Nursery in Central Point Oregon. Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora consistently produces approximately 45 kg (100 lb) of clean seed for every 2.2 kg (1 lb) sown. Lomatium cookii is a long-lived, hardy perennial crop, capable of producing seed for a decade or more from a single planting.
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