Although current literature suggests Illicium seeds germinate without pretreatment, we found that 2 native species, I. parviflorum and I. floridanum, responded well to a cold, moist stratification treatment. Illicium parviflorum germinated without stratification (30%), however, best germination occurred with a 90-d cold, moist stratification treatment (81%). Illicium floridanum had 10% germination without cold, moist stratification and 20% germination after 30-d of cold, moist stratification. Best germination of I. floridanum occurred with the 60-d cold, moist stratification treatment (75%). Days to 50% germination improved for both species as the stratification period increased. We suggest that nursery growers and propagators treat both I. parviflorum and I. floridanum seeds with cold, moist stratification before sowing.