Index by author
September 21, 2017; Volume 18,Issue 3
Bales, Alex L
- You have accessRestricted accessConifer restoration on lakeshores using 3 planting techniquesDaniel E Haskell, Alex L Bales, Christopher R Webster, David J Flaspohler and Michael W MeyerNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 235-244; DOI: E HaskellDaniel E Haskell, Research Scientist, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: Research ScientistAlex L BalesAlex L Bales, Research Assistant, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: Research AssistantChristopher R WebsterChristopher R Webster, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: ProfessorDavid J FlaspohlerDavid J Flaspohler, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: ProfessorMichael W MeyerMichael W Meyer, Wildlife Toxicologist, retired, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 107 Sutiff Avenue, Rhinelander, WI 54501
Cartwright, Kelly
- You have accessRestricted accessExploring the human–nature relationship of conservation gardenersKelly Cartwright and Denise MittenNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 212-225; DOI: CartwrightCollege of Lake County, Biology, 19351 W Washington Street, Grayslake IL 60030,Roles: ProfessorDenise MittenPrescott College, 220 Grove Avenue, Prescott AZ 86301,Roles: Professor
Connolly, Bryan
- You have accessRestricted accessTen-year persistence of native plant species on a green roof in Northeast USJessica D Lubell, Bryan Connolly and Kristina N JonesNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 227-234; DOI: D LubellDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Connecticut, 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067 Storrs, CT 06279,Roles: Associate ProfessorBryan ConnollyDepartment of Biology, Framingham State University, 100 State Street, Framingham, MA 01701,Roles: Assistant ProfessorKristina N JonesDirector Wellesley College Botanic Gardens, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Wellesley College, 106 Central Street Wellesley, MA 02481,
Connolly, Bryan A
- You have accessRestricted accessPreliminary data on muriatic acid scarification of honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos) seedsBryan A ConnollyNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 267-269; DOI: A ConnollyDepartment of Biology, Framingham State University, 100 State Street, Framingham, MA 01701,Roles: Assistant Professor
Dick, Gary O
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed germination methods of the Texas Northern Blackland Prairie ecotype of Sapindus saponaria L. var. drummondii (Hook. and Arn.) L.D. Benson (Sapindaceae)Aaron N Schad, Gary O Dick and Lynde L DoddNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 271-276; DOI: N SchadAaron N Schad, Research Biologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab, Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, Lewisville, TX 75057,Roles: Research BiologistGary O DickGary O Dick, Research Ecologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab, Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, Lewisville, TX 75057,Roles: Research EcologistLynde L DoddLynde L Dodd, Research Biologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab, Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, Lewisville, TX 75057,Roles: Research Biologist
Dodd, Lynde L
- You have accessRestricted accessSeed germination methods of the Texas Northern Blackland Prairie ecotype of Sapindus saponaria L. var. drummondii (Hook. and Arn.) L.D. Benson (Sapindaceae)Aaron N Schad, Gary O Dick and Lynde L DoddNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 271-276; DOI: N SchadAaron N Schad, Research Biologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab, Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, Lewisville, TX 75057,Roles: Research BiologistGary O DickGary O Dick, Research Ecologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab, Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, Lewisville, TX 75057,Roles: Research EcologistLynde L DoddLynde L Dodd, Research Biologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Lab, Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, Lewisville, TX 75057,Roles: Research Biologist
Flaspohler, David J
- You have accessRestricted accessConifer restoration on lakeshores using 3 planting techniquesDaniel E Haskell, Alex L Bales, Christopher R Webster, David J Flaspohler and Michael W MeyerNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 235-244; DOI: E HaskellDaniel E Haskell, Research Scientist, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: Research ScientistAlex L BalesAlex L Bales, Research Assistant, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: Research AssistantChristopher R WebsterChristopher R Webster, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: ProfessorDavid J FlaspohlerDavid J Flaspohler, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: ProfessorMichael W MeyerMichael W Meyer, Wildlife Toxicologist, retired, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 107 Sutiff Avenue, Rhinelander, WI 54501
Haskell, Daniel E
- You have accessRestricted accessConifer restoration on lakeshores using 3 planting techniquesDaniel E Haskell, Alex L Bales, Christopher R Webster, David J Flaspohler and Michael W MeyerNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 235-244; DOI: E HaskellDaniel E Haskell, Research Scientist, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: Research ScientistAlex L BalesAlex L Bales, Research Assistant, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: Research AssistantChristopher R WebsterChristopher R Webster, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: ProfessorDavid J FlaspohlerDavid J Flaspohler, Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931,Roles: ProfessorMichael W MeyerMichael W Meyer, Wildlife Toxicologist, retired, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 107 Sutiff Avenue, Rhinelander, WI 54501
Hudson, Jessica J
- You have accessRestricted accessEffects of cold stratification on the germination of Vaccinium myrtilloides (common blueberry) and Vaccinium vitis-idaea (bog cranberry) seeds from Alberta, CanadaJessica J Hudson, Çağdaş Kera Yücel, Amanda L Schoonmaker and Jean-Marie SobzeNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 245-251; DOI: J HudsonJessica J Hudson, Forest Reclamation Research Assistant, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S 0A7,Çağdaş Kera YücelÇağdaş Kera Yücel, Forest Reclamation Research Officer, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S,Amanda L SchoonmakerAmanda L Schoonmaker, NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S,Jean-Marie SobzeJean-Marie Sobze, Plant & Seed Technologies Program Lead, Boreal Research Institute, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, Alberta, Canada T8S,
Jones, Kristina N
- You have accessRestricted accessTen-year persistence of native plant species on a green roof in Northeast USJessica D Lubell, Bryan Connolly and Kristina N JonesNative Plants Journal, September 2017, 18 (3) 227-234; DOI: D LubellDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Connecticut, 1376 Storrs Road, Unit-4067 Storrs, CT 06279,Roles: Associate ProfessorBryan ConnollyDepartment of Biology, Framingham State University, 100 State Street, Framingham, MA 01701,Roles: Assistant ProfessorKristina N JonesDirector Wellesley College Botanic Gardens, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Wellesley College, 106 Central Street Wellesley, MA 02481,