Research ArticleRefereed Research
Open Access
Length of cold stratification period affects germination in green alder (Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. crispa (Aiton) Turrill) seed collected from northwestern Alberta
Jasmeen Kaur, Amanda L Schoonmaker and Jean-Marie Sobze
Native Plants Journal, June 2016, 17 (2) 95-102; DOI:
Jasmeen Kaur
, Research Officer, NAIT Boreal Research Institute, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, AB T8S 1R2,
Amanda L Schoonmaker
, NSERC Industrial Research Chair, NAIT Boreal Research Institute, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, AB T8S 1R2,
Jean-Marie Sobze
, Plant and Seed Research Coordinator, NAIT Boreal Research Institute, 8102 99 Avenue, Peace River, AB T8S 1R2,

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In this issue
Native Plants Journal
Vol. 17, Issue 2
20 Jun 2016
Length of cold stratification period affects germination in green alder (Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. subsp. crispa (Aiton) Turrill) seed collected from northwestern Alberta
Jasmeen Kaur, Amanda L Schoonmaker, Jean-Marie Sobze
Native Plants Journal Jun 2016, 17 (2) 95-102; DOI: 10.3368/npj.17.2.95
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