Research ArticleRefereed Research
Seed isolates of Alternaria and Aspergillus fungi increase germination of Astragalus utahensis
Sean D Eldredge, Brad Geary and Scott L Jensen
Native Plants Journal, June 2016, 17 (2) 89-94; DOI:
Sean D Eldredge
, PO Box 1663 Lytle, TX 78052
Brad Geary
Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, 4123 LSB, Provo, UT 84602
Scott L Jensen
USDA Forest Service Shrub Science Laboratory, 735 N 500 E, Provo UT 84606,

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- [USDA NRCS] USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
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In this issue
Native Plants Journal
Vol. 17, Issue 2
20 Jun 2016
Seed isolates of Alternaria and Aspergillus fungi increase germination of Astragalus utahensis
Sean D Eldredge, Brad Geary, Scott L Jensen
Native Plants Journal Jun 2016, 17 (2) 89-94; DOI: 10.3368/npj.17.2.89
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