Research ArticleArticles
Conserving US temperate forest plant diversity: a case example with forest-floor Aristolochiaceae
Tara Luna
Native Plants Journal, September 2014, 15 (3) 236-246; DOI:
Tara Luna
Botanist, PO Box 447, East Glacier Park, MT 59434,

- Adams CA,
- Baskin JM,
- Baskin CC
- Adams CA,
- Baskin JM,
- Baskin CC
- Baskin JM,
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- Coleman RG,
- Kruckeberg AR
- [CPD] Centres of Plant Diversity and Endemism.
- Damschen EI,
- Harrison S,
- Grace JB
- Davis G,
- Frett J,
- Kitto S
- DellaSala DA,
- Reid SB,
- Frest TJ,
- Strittholt JR,
- Olson DM
- [FNA] Flora of North America Editorial Committee.
- Frett J
- Gaddy LL
- Gaddy LL
- Glick B
- Gonzalez VC
- [ITIS] Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
- Jones MS,
- Jones TH,
- English JJ
- Kelly LM
- Mellichamp L
- Mesler MR,
- Lu KL
- Ness JH,
- Moran DF
- Nivot N,
- Oliver A,
- Lapointe L
- Olson D,
- DellaSala DA,
- Noss RF,
- Strittholt JR,
- Kass J,
- Koopman ME,
- Allnutt TE
- Platt RB
- Sawyer JO
- Schultz K
- Smith JP,
- Sawyer JO
- Sorrels J,
- Warren RJ II.
- Strittholt JR,
- DellaSala DA
- Sugawara T
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- Tiffney BH
- Tiffney BH
- Vogel S
- Wagner DH
- Weakely A
- [WWF] World Wildlife Fund
In this issue
Native Plants Journal
Vol. 15, Issue 3
21 Sep 2014
Conserving US temperate forest plant diversity: a case example with forest-floor Aristolochiaceae
Tara Luna
Native Plants Journal Sep 2014, 15 (3) 236-246; DOI: 10.3368/npj.15.3.236
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