Table of Contents
June 20, 2013; Volume 14,Issue 2
Refereed Research
- You have accessRestricted accessVegetative propagation of Juniperus osteosperma (Utah Juniper) by cuttingsKevin R Cope and Larry A RuppNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 76-84; DOI: R CopeThe Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate, Utah State University, 4820 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-4820
- You have accessRestricted accessPropagation protocol for Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.)Donald J Regan, Kea J Woodruff and Anthony S DavisNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 85-88; DOI: J ReganCenter for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research, University of Idaho, PO Box 441137, Moscow, ID 83844Kea J Woodruff
- You have accessRestricted accessHydroseeding improves field establishment of Nebraska sedge regardless of seed treatmentDerek J Tilley and Loren St JohnNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 89-94; DOI: J TilleyUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, PO Box 296, Aberdeen, ID 83210
- You have accessRestricted accessConstructing a low-cost seed moisture tester and seed dryerRobert P KarrfaltNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 95-100; DOI: P KarrfaltDirector, USDA Forest Service, National Seed Laboratory, 5675 Riggins Mill Road, Dry Branch, GA 31020,
- You have accessRestricted accessRestoration and plant species diversity of an Eastern prairieRobert D Tompkins and William C Bridges JrNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 101-113; DOI: D TompkinsAssociate Professor, Department of Biology, Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, NC 28012,William C Bridges JrProfessor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634,
Book Review
- You have accessRestricted accessColorado Flora Eastern Slope: A Field Guide to the Vascular Plants, 4th edition
Colorado Flora Western Slope: A Field Guide to the Vascular Plants, 4th editionWilliam A. Weber and Ronald C. WittmannNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 115; DOI: A. Weberis Chairman, New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council and retired Regional Botanist, USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region.Ronald C. Wittmannis Chairman, New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council and retired Regional Botanist, USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region. - You have accessRestricted accessBumble Bees of the Western United StatesJonathan Koch, James Strange and Paul WilliamsNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 116-117; DOI: Kochis a Wildlife Biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Flagstaff Sub-Office, Arizona.James Strangeis a Wildlife Biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Flagstaff Sub-Office, Arizona.Paul Williamsis a Wildlife Biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Flagstaff Sub-Office, Arizona.
- You have accessRestricted accessTidal Marsh Restoration: A Synthesis of Science and ManagementCharles T Roman and David M BurdickNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 118-119; DOI: T Roman, is an Emeritus Scientist from the Woods Hole Ocean - ographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.Roles: EditorDavid M Burdick, is an Emeritus Scientist from the Woods Hole Ocean - ographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.Roles: Editor
Native Plant Materials Directory
- You have accessRestricted accessNative Plant Materials DirectoryNative Plants Journal, June 2013, 14 (2) 120-187; DOI: