Research ArticleRefereed Research
Conservation and reintroduction of the endangered Willamette daisy: effects of population size on seed viability and the influence of local adaptation
Andrea S Thorpe and Thomas N Kaye
Native Plants Journal, September 2011, 12 (3) 289-298; DOI:

- Agren J
- Allphin L,
- Wiens D,
- Harper KT
- Clark DL,
- Finley KK,
- Ingersoll CA
- Clark DL,
- Ingersoll CA,
- Finley KK
- Climate Leadership Initiative and the National Center for Conservation Science and Policy
- Demauro MM
- Doppelt B,
- Hamilton R,
- Williams CD,
- Koopman M,
- Vynne S
- Ellstrand NC,
- Elam DR
- Feinsinger P,
- Murray G,
- Kinsman S,
- Busby WH
- Heschel MS,
- Paige KN
- Hiscock SJ,
- Tabah DA
- Hufford KM,
- Mazer SJ
- Husband BC,
- Schemske DW
- Jackson SA
- Kagan JS,
- Yamamoto S
- Kaye TN
- Kaye TN,
- Kuykendall K
- Kearns CA,
- Inouye DW,
- Waser NM
- Kéry M,
- Matthies D,
- Spillmann H
- Klinkhamer PGL,
- de Jong TJ
- Lennartsson T
- Lesica P,
- Allendorf FW
- Linhart YB,
- Grant MC
- Marshall DR,
- Brown ADJ
- Martins PS,
- Jain SK
- Menges ES
- Messinger W
- Meyer SE,
- Kitchen SO,
- Carlson SL
- Montalvo AM
- Morgan JW
- Newman D,
- Tallmon DA
- Nuckols J
- [ORBIC] Oregon Biodiversity Information Center
- Paschke M,
- Abs C,
- Schmid B
- Sagarin RD,
- Gaines SD,
- Gaylord B
- Saunders DA,
- Hobbs RJ,
- Margules CR
- Thompson J
- Thorpe AS,
- Kaye TN
- Thorpe AS,
- Kaye TN
- [USDA NRCS] USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- [USFWS] US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Villegas S
- Ward K,
- Gisler M,
- Fiegener R,
- Young A
In this issue
Conservation and reintroduction of the endangered Willamette daisy: effects of population size on seed viability and the influence of local adaptation
Andrea S Thorpe, Thomas N Kaye
Native Plants Journal Sep 2011, 12 (3) 289-298; DOI: 10.3368/npj.12.3.289
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