Index by author
June 20, 2011; Volume 12,Issue 2
Bair, Charles
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Jet HarvesterA SHOP-BUILT TOOL FOR HARVESTING FORB AND SHRUB SEEDSDerek J Tilley and Charles BairNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 123-127; DOI:
Bolin, Jay F
- You have accessRestricted accessGermination of the federally endangered Michaux’s sumac (Rhus michauxii)Jay F Bolin, Marcus E Jones and Lytton J MusselmanNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 119-122; DOI: F BolinMarcus E Jones
Burgdorf, David W
- You have accessRestricted accessComparison of seed germination techniques for common elderberry (Sambucus nigra L. ssp. canadensis)John W Leif, John C Durling and David W BurgdorfNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 132-135; DOI: W LeifJohn C Durling
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of Vintage Germplasm Common ElderberryA SELECTED CLASS OF NATURAL GERMPLASMJohn W Leif, John C Durling and David W BurgdorfNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 129-131; DOI: W LeifJohn C Durling
Davis, Anthony S
- You have accessRestricted accessSubirrigation for production of native plants in nurseries—concepts, current knowledge, and implementationJustin L Schmal, R Kasten Dumroese, Anthony S Davis, Jeremiah R Pinto and Douglass F JacobsNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 81-93; DOI: L SchmalR Kasten DumroeseAnthony S DavisJeremiah R Pinto
- You have accessRestricted accessEarly field performance of Acacia koa seedlings grown under subirrigation and overhead irrigationAnthony S Davis, Jeremiah R Pinto and Douglass F JacobsNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 94-99; DOI: S DavisJeremiah R Pinto
Dumroese, R Kasten
- You have accessRestricted accessSubirrigation for production of native plants in nurseries—concepts, current knowledge, and implementationJustin L Schmal, R Kasten Dumroese, Anthony S Davis, Jeremiah R Pinto and Douglass F JacobsNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 81-93; DOI: L SchmalR Kasten DumroeseAnthony S DavisJeremiah R Pinto
Durling, John C
- You have accessRestricted accessComparison of seed germination techniques for common elderberry (Sambucus nigra L. ssp. canadensis)John W Leif, John C Durling and David W BurgdorfNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 132-135; DOI: W LeifJohn C Durling
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of Vintage Germplasm Common ElderberryA SELECTED CLASS OF NATURAL GERMPLASMJohn W Leif, John C Durling and David W BurgdorfNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 129-131; DOI: W LeifJohn C Durling
Fedewa, Chad A
- You have accessRestricted accessField establishment of little bluestem and prairie dropseed under managed conditionsChad A Fedewa and J Ryan StewartNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 111-117; DOI:
Goldman, Jason J
- You have accessRestricted accessAgronomic performance of eastern gamagrass cultivars and experimental germplasm grown on the southern plainsJason J Goldman and Tim L SpringerNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 100-105; DOI:
Jacobs, Douglass F
- You have accessRestricted accessSubirrigation for production of native plants in nurseries—concepts, current knowledge, and implementationJustin L Schmal, R Kasten Dumroese, Anthony S Davis, Jeremiah R Pinto and Douglass F JacobsNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 81-93; DOI: L SchmalR Kasten DumroeseAnthony S DavisJeremiah R Pinto
- You have accessRestricted accessEarly field performance of Acacia koa seedlings grown under subirrigation and overhead irrigationAnthony S Davis, Jeremiah R Pinto and Douglass F JacobsNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 94-99; DOI: S DavisJeremiah R Pinto
Jones, Marcus E
- You have accessRestricted accessGermination of the federally endangered Michaux’s sumac (Rhus michauxii)Jay F Bolin, Marcus E Jones and Lytton J MusselmanNative Plants Journal, June 2011, 12 (2) 119-122; DOI: F BolinMarcus E Jones