Table of Contents
March 20, 2009; Volume 10,Issue 1
- You have accessRestricted accessOptimum Storage and Germination Conditions for Seeds of Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata L.) from FloridaLyn A Gettys and R Kasten DumroeseNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 4-12; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessPreliminary observations of using smoke-water to increase low-elevation Beargrass Xerophyllum tenax germinationDaniela J Shebitz, Kern Ewing and Jorge GutierrezNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 13-20; DOI: J ShebitzKern Ewing
- You have accessRestricted accessUsing a diverse seed mix to establish native plants on a Sonoran Desert burnScott R Abella, John L Gunn, Mark L Daniels, Judith D Springer and Susan E NyokaNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 21-31; DOI: R AbellaJohn L GunnMark L DanielsJudith D Springer
- You have accessRestricted accessOptimal seeding depth of five forb species from the Great BasinJennifer K Rawlins, Val J Anderson, Robert Johnson and Thomas KrebsNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 32-42; DOI: K RawlinsVal J AndersonRobert Johnson
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of La Salle Germplasm Arizona Cottontop Selected Class of Natural GermplasmForrest S Smith, William R Ocumpaugh, Paula D Maywald, John Lloyd-Reilley, Shelly D Maher, Keith A Pawelek, Andrew W Scott Jr and Juan GarzaNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 43-47; DOI: S SmithWilliam R OcumpaughPaula D MaywaldJohn Lloyd-ReilleyShelly D MaherKeith A PawelekAndrew W Scott Jr
- You have accessRestricted accessCollecting and processing Salicaceae seedsBernard I Daigle and J Dale SimpsonNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 48-51; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Crush and Spray a patented design for herbicide application with less wasteCherie LeBlanc Fisher and Adam H WieseNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 53-56; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessNotice of Release of ‘Continental’ Basin WildryeThomas A Jones, Steven D Parr, Susan R Winslow and Manuel A RosalesNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 57-61; DOI: A JonesSteven D ParrSusan R Winslow
- You have accessRestricted accessFive years’ storage of seeds from three willow speciesJ Dale Simpson and Bernard I DaigleNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 63-67; DOI:
- You have accessRestricted accessEffect of habitat and plant position relative to the soil surface on survival of Basin Wildrye Seedlings (Leymus cinereus)Steven O Link and David JM BradneyNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 69-73; DOI:
Book Review
- You have accessRestricted accessRare Wildflowers of KentuckyJeffrey L WalckNative Plants Journal, March 2009, 10 (1) 74-76; DOI: